18 Aug
The Journey to My Get

As I sit on the plane heading back home, I find myself filled with gratitude. I thank Hashem for the miracles He has given me and for the emunah He has given me throughout this crazy journey.

It took two years to obtain my get, my freedom. Some might say that’s a long time, while others might think it’s brief, but for me, it was everything. Holding that piece of paper in my hands, I finally felt free. The weight of the ketubah, the bond it held over me, was real. 

Every day during those two years, whenever I picked up my siddur, when I lit my Hanukkah candles, and every time I welcomed Shabbat, my prayer was the same, "Hashem, please get me the get." And every day, I held onto that prayer until, finally, my freedom was given to me. It was a miracle. Every fight, every battle, all the stress and abuse it all led to the moment of victory. Hashem and I won because He was by my side every step of the way. I was blessed with an incredible group of people who supported me through it all. My parents, who kept me calm, my brother, who worked tirelessly with his rabbi in Israel and the beit din, my amazing sister in law who as a lawyer in Israel, guided me through the legalities, and my friends, who fought for me, vouched for me in front of rabbis, and gathered letters on my behalf.

This journey was an intense learning experience. I encountered many rabbis, but it was through this process that I learned what a real rabbi is. A true rabbi fights for you, advocates, and does not rest until the right outcome is achieved. They will challenge the beit din, call them, visit them daily, and ensure that your voice is heard.

When I was in Israel, I questioned why I had to be there during the war on October 7th. But the answer was right in front of me. If I hadn’t been stuck there, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to open a case in Israel, having him fly in and face justice. Hashem, in His wisdom, ensured that he got stuck in Israel, just as I had been.

According to halacha, I had to warn him that a case has been opened on him with the beit din and if he didn’t go in on his own he might get stuck in Israel, but, the true form of him always came out. The narcissist in him just blew up. He claimed he had already left Israel, sending pictures from the States, which sent me into a panic. I called my brother and spent more money checking the systems in Israel to see if he had really left. But it was yet another one of his brilliant lies. Nonetheless two weeks later, when he tried to fly out of Israel, he was denied that right, stopped at the airport.  He was told to go to the beit din and resolve what needed to be resolved. That day he called my brother saying he needs to fly out of Israel as soon as possible. My brothers response call the Rabbi, heres his number. 

When the rabbi from Israel called and FaceTimed me, I was at work. I saw the process and I broke down in tears, crying. In complete disbelief. When my rabbi from the states called he set up an appointment for me to come in and physically receive my get. I was terrified. I didn’t want to go alone, so I brought with me the person who had always been by my side, my brother, my tzadik, who pushed me to fight and not to settle for anything less than my freedom. That day was the day of victory. My Hanukkah miracle, a moment I will never forget.  There were days when my faith faded, but I never lost it, and because of this experience, I know I will never lose my faith again. 

This was my journey, my battle. With Hashem by my side, and the dedicated support of my loved ones, I claimed my freedom, and for that, I will forever be grateful.  WE WON!


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