15 Jul
Stop Being at War With Yourself

Too often in my life, I've been my own worst critic. Too many times, I've been at war with myself rather than at peace. I've realized that I was born to have peace, and happiness in my life. But first, I had to learn to love myself. Sometimes, I hear that voice in the back of my head telling me what I should have done. We are constantly at war with ourselves, comparing ourselves to others and feeling too little. This itself prevents us from experiencing true peace.

Comparing Yourself to Others

When we compare ourselves to others, we fall into despair. We separate ourselves from them and feel less than or unworthy. Instead of focusing on others, turn your attention inward. Recognize that you are created to be unique and valuable just as you are. Instead of dwelling on what you don’t like about yourself, focus on the qualities you love.


Self-acceptance is about recognizing that where you are is right where you need to be. Letting go of regrets and mistakes can help you be more present. Every experience, whether perceived as good or bad, has shaped us into who we are today. Embrace your journey and understand that every step has its purpose.


Loving yourself isn't about being selfish. it's about nurturing your well-being and growth. It means speaking kindly to yourself, acknowledging your achievements, and forgiving your shortcomings. Self-love also means not allowing others to disrespect you and setting boundaries. It's about recognizing your worth. 

Perfect Illusion

Perfectionism seems to be driving us in all aspects of life. We convince ourselves that we are supposed to be perfect mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives, at all times. The bar keeps rising and when we don’t complete everything perfectly, the vicious circle of judgment and shame starts. Our need to be perfect comes from fear. It takes courage to practice letting go.

Believe in Yourself

Believing in yourself is crucial. Trust in your abilities and your worth. When doubts arise, remind yourself of your strengths and past successes. Building self-confidence is a continuous process. Learn to celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem. Be your own biggest supporter and take pride in your journey. Ending the war within yourself begins with a shift in mindset.                                                  


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