17 Sep
Be Kind To Your Mind

I came across a poster at work that said, “Be kind to your mind.” At first glance, it struck me as a gentle reminder to speak more kindly to myself. But the more I stared at those words, the deeper their meaning became. It wasn’t just about positive self-talk, it was about truly recognizing my own strength, wisdom, and resilience, things I rarely give myself credit for. 

So often, we’re our harshest critics. We replay moments where we think, I should have done this, or I could have done that, until it eats away at us. It’s like we mentally overload ourselves, packing our minds with regrets, self-doubt, and the weight of high expectations. Our minds can handle a lot, but that doesn't mean they don’t need balance. Sometimes, we forget that we’re the ones in control of our thoughts. 

As we journey through life, treating our minds with kindness becomes essential. But let’s be honest, kindness to our minds doesn’t mean challenges will stop coming. It doesn’t mean we won’t ever need help, or that we’ll never have a bad day. There will be times when negativity creeps in and takes over. That’s human in us. 

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is don’t forget to close the tabs in your head. Just like the browser on your computer, our minds are often running multiple tabs, bouncing between thoughts, worries, plans, and “what-ifs.” And, like any overloaded system, it needs to pause and reboot. Whether it’s meditation, exercise, or simply taking a few deep breaths, find something that works for you to switch off the noise. Surround yourself with positive influences. It’s amazing how much we absorb from the people around us. When you choose to be in the company of kind and uplifting people their energy rubs off on you. Their calm becomes your calm. Their joy feeds your joy. And, in the same way, when you’re kind to your own mind, you give yourself the chance to grow,and thrive.

 Being kind to your mind means celebrating the small wins, acknowledging your growth, and allowing yourself the space to rest. It’s okay to be proud of yourself, even if the progress feels slow. After all, you’re doing the best you can, and that is more than enough.


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